
Retirement AI-Calculator

Could you retire in your 50s, whilst being able to afford the life that you always dreamt of?

No personal details required to find out

Retirement AI-Calculator

Could you retire in your 50s, whilst being able to afford the life that you always dreamt of?

No personal details required to find out

The Benefits of

a Retirement Health Check

Save Tax

We'll help you gain confidence, ensure that your finances are in the best possible shape, and guide you in making life's significant financial decisions with assurance

Boost Investments

We will identify poorly performing pension funds, and put recommendations in place to aim for better long-term investment performance by putting together

Save on fee’s

A pension review help you save thousands in fees and boost your retirement income by Identify excessive pension fees and suggest lower-cost alternatives.

Peace of Mind

Speaking to an expert adviser and having a retirement plan in place will give you peace of mind and help you feel more secure about your future life.

Less Stress

Our finances can often be a large cause of stress in our lives. We'll help you gain financial clarity and alleviate stress in your retirement planning.

More Confidence

We can help you give you the confidence that your finances are in the best possible shape and help you make life’s big financial decisions with the confidence


Save Tax

We'll help you gain confidence, ensure that your finances are in the best possible shape, and guide you in making life's significant financial decisions with assurance

Boost Investments

We will identify poorly performing pension funds, and put recommendations in place to aim for better long-term investment performance by putting together

Save on fee’s

A pension review help you save thousands in fees and boost your retirement income by Identify excessive pension fees and suggest lower-cost alternatives.

Peace of Mind

Speaking to an expert adviser and having a retirement plan in place will give you peace of mind and help you feel more secure about your future life.

Less Stress

Our finances can often be a large cause of stress in our lives. We'll help you gain financial clarity and alleviate stress in your retirement planning.

More Confidence

We can help you give you the confidence that your finances are in the best possible shape and help you make life’s big financial decisions with the confidence

What is Retirement AI-Calculator?

Retirement Calculator is a useful free tool, that helps you discover your pension situation and plan for a secure and comfortable retirement. It can also suggest the best-matButtonched certified advisors near you based on your conditions, AI powered.

What is Retirement AI-Calculator?

Retirement Calculator is a useful free tool, that helps you discover your pension situation and plan for a secure and comfortable retirement. It can also suggest the best-matButtonched certified advisors near you based on your conditions, AI powered.

What do we offer?

FCA Authorised and FSCS Protected

Our Financial Planners are highly qualified and are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This means that their advice is backed up and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

No Obligation

There is no obligation to take our advice after the FREE retirement health check and initial consultation.

Our Track Record

My Retirement Fund have helped people all over the country achieve the retirement they dream of on a Monday morning commute.

What do we offer?

FCA Authorised and FSCS Protected

Our Financial Planners are highly qualified and are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This means that their advice is backed up and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

No Obligation

There is no obligation to take our advice after the FREE retirement health check and initial consultation.

Our Track Record

My Retirement Fund have helped people all over the country achieve the retirement they dream of on a Monday morning commute.

Don't forget your Frozen Pensions!

So what is a “Frozen Pension”... ? 🤔💭

Frozen Pension is a word that describes a workplace pension, from previous employment, that you no longer pay into anymore.

It is extremely important that you don’t forget about these pensions as they can accrue hefty fees that you may be unaware of and eat into your pension pot.

An important function of a Pension Review is to find these pensions and then facilitate merging them into one, which would significantly lower your fees.

Don't forget your Frozen Pensions!

So what is a “Frozen Pension”... ? 🤔💭

Frozen Pension is a word that describes a workplace pension, from previous employment, that you no longer pay into anymore.

It is extremely important that you don’t forget about these pensions as they can accrue hefty fees that you may be unaware of and eat into your pension pot.

An important function of a Pension Review is to find these pensions and then facilitate merging them into one, which would significantly lower your fees.

Our Process

Quick AI Quiz

Assess Your Retirement Readiness by answering a few quiz questions and our advanced AI system will provide a snapshot of your situation

Discovery Meeting

Book your first meeting and build a foundation for a personalised retirement plan, considering your goals and financial concerns

Research and Analysis

We'll be conducting comprehensive research and analysis of your financial portfolio, include wealth, pensions, investments, and savings

Retirement Planning

With your input and our expert analysis, we'll create a strategic and personalised retirement plan that aligns with your goals.

Presentation Meeting

In the second meeting, we'll present your retirement plan and walk you through the details, answer your questions, and discuss any adjustments.

Our Process

Quick AI Quiz

Assess Your Retirement Readiness by answering a few quiz questions and our advanced AI system will provide a snapshot of your situation

Discovery Meeting

Book your first meeting and build a foundation for a personalised retirement plan, considering your goals and financial concerns

Research and Analysis

We'll be conducting comprehensive research and analysis of your financial portfolio, include wealth, pensions, investments, and savings

Retirement Planning

With your input and our expert analysis, we'll create a strategic and personalised retirement plan that aligns with your goals.

Presentation Meeting

In the second meeting, we'll present your retirement plan and walk you through the details, answer your questions, and discuss any adjustments.

How can a pension review help you?

Thomas UK
Case Study #1
Improved Pension Planning
55 years
Lack of Retirement Planning
Potential Retirement Insecurity
  • Gap Resolution

  • Financial Clarity

  • Increased Pension Income

  • Avoid Paying Tax on Withdrawals

  • Enhanced Pension Arrangements

  • Realised Early Retirement

Case Study #2
Accelerate for Early Retirement and Ensuring Financial Security
45 years
High Fees
Pension Fragmentation
Poor Investment Performance
  • Earlier Retirement

  • Access Early Retirement

  • Optimised Investments and Better Performance

  • Cost Savings and Reduced Fees

Harry UK

How can a pension review help you?

Case Study #1
Improved Pension Planning
55 years
Lack of Retirement Planning
Potential Retirement Insecurity
  • Gap Resolution

  • Financial Clarity

  • Increased pension income

  • Avoid paying tax on withdrawals

  • Enhanced Pension Arrangements

  • Realised Early Retirement

Matt UK
Case Study #2
Accelerate for Early Retirement and Ensuring Financial Security
45 years
High Fees
Pension Fragmentation
Poor Investment Performance
  • Earlier retirement

  • Access Early Retirement

  • Optimised Investments and better performance

  • Cost savings and reduced fees

Mohammad UK

Frequently asked questions

How do you establish when I can retire and what income can be achieved?

Where appropriate, we use a process called Personal Financial Modelling to establish what your retirement may look like financially. Using sophisticated financial planning software, we look at your current financial position and your likely expenditure needs.

We then utilise 100 years of economic data to build a realistic forecast of how your pension and other assets are likely to evolve over time. This helps us establish what level of income from your pension fund will be sustainable over the long term. This is stress tested against adverse economic events, such as recessions or periods of high inflation, as well as against changes in your personal circumstances, such as the untimely loss of a spouse or need for long term care.

This process helps us establish what the best advice for you is and gives you the peace of mind that whatever life throws at you, your finances are in the best possible shape to take it on.

Should I consolidate my pensions?

The average Brit changes job 6 to 12 times in their lifetime. Having lots of different pension arrangements can be difficult to keep track of and pension funds may even end up getting lost, in fact, there is an estimated £26.6 Billion in lost pensions in the UK.

By not keeping track of your pensions, you may be paying more in charges than you need to, and you could be invested in poorly performing funds that are not aligned to your goals.

Consolidating your pensions can help you optimise your arrangements from a cost and performance perspective, as well as help you build a clear picture of what might be possible for your retirement.

However, moving your pension fund might not always be the best thing to do. Some pension funds come with valuable guarantees and enhancements attached that may be worth holding on too, as such it is important that your pensions are reviewed by a qualified professional before you make any decisions.

What are the options for taking money from my pension fund?

For a long time, the options for taking money from your pension fund were relatively simple. You could take up to 25% as a tax-free lump sum, and then you could get a fixed level of income by exchanging your remaining pot for an annuity. Or you could take the whole pot at once, receiving 25% tax-free and having the remaining 75% taxed as income.

However, in April 2016 new Pension Freedom Legislation came into effect. This ushered in Flexi-Access Drawdown (FAD), giving people a lot more control over how and when they can access their pension pot.

The right option for you is multi-faceted and depends on your personal circumstances. There are many different factors to consider when looking at any of the options, so it is important to speak to a professional before making any decisions that could have a long term impact on your financial health.

How old do I have to be to access my pension fund?

Many often confuse the State Pension age (Currently 66, rising to 67 by 2028) for their retirement age. However, you can start to access your private age after you reach the current minimum retirement age of 55 (Set to increase to 57 in 2028).

There are some exceptions. For example, those in ill health may be able to take their funds sooner)

Frequently asked questions

How do you establish when I can retire and what income can be achieved?

Where appropriate, we use a process called Personal Financial Modelling to establish what your retirement may look like financially. Using sophisticated financial planning software, we look at your current financial position and your likely expenditure needs.

We then utilise 100 years of economic data to build a realistic forecast of how your pension and other assets are likely to evolve over time. This helps us establish what level of income from your pension fund will be sustainable over the long term. This is stress tested against adverse economic events, such as recessions or periods of high inflation, as well as against changes in your personal circumstances, such as the untimely loss of a spouse or need for long term care.

This process helps us establish what the best advice for you is and gives you the peace of mind that whatever life throws at you, your finances are in the best possible shape to take it on.

Should I consolidate my pensions?

The average Brit changes job 6 to 12 times in their lifetime. Having lots of different pension arrangements can be difficult to keep track of and pension funds may even end up getting lost, in fact, there is an estimated £26.6 Billion in lost pensions in the UK.

By not keeping track of your pensions, you may be paying more in charges than you need to, and you could be invested in poorly performing funds that are not aligned to your goals.

Consolidating your pensions can help you optimise your arrangements from a cost and performance perspective, as well as help you build a clear picture of what might be possible for your retirement.

However, moving your pension fund might not always be the best thing to do. Some pension funds come with valuable guarantees and enhancements attached that may be worth holding on too, as such it is important that your pensions are reviewed by a qualified professional before you make any decisions.

What are the options for taking money from my pension fund?

For a long time, the options for taking money from your pension fund were relatively simple. You could take up to 25% as a tax-free lump sum, and then you could get a fixed level of income by exchanging your remaining pot for an annuity. Or you could take the whole pot at once, receiving 25% tax-free and having the remaining 75% taxed as income.

However, in April 2016 new Pension Freedom Legislation came into effect. This ushered in Flexi-Access Drawdown (FAD), giving people a lot more control over how and when they can access their pension pot.

The right option for you is multi-faceted and depends on your personal circumstances. There are many different factors to consider when looking at any of the options, so it is important to speak to a professional before making any decisions that could have a long term impact on your financial health.

How old do I have to be to access my pension fund?

Many often confuse the State Pension age (Currently 66, rising to 67 by 2028) for their retirement age. However, you can start to access your private age after you reach the current minimum retirement age of 55 (Set to increase to 57 in 2028).

There are some exceptions. For example, those in ill health may be able to take their funds sooner)

AI-Powered Pension Calculate Tool

Say goodbye to pension perplexity and hello to financial confidence with our cutting-edge Pension Calculator

AI-Powered Pension Calculate Tool

Say goodbye to pension perplexity and hello to financial confidence with our cutting-edge Pension Calculator

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